Index | Linking



Linking allows you to refer to specific data stored in Tables using query parameters in the address bar of your web browser. When you navigate through the various views of Tables, the URL, and the query parameter contained therein, is automatically updated and serve as a reference of the resource you are interacting with. As long as you do not delete or rename a resource, URLs persist across browsing sessions, i. e. the corresponding pages can be bookmarked and revisted at a later point in time.

You can save or bookmark a link by copying the URL from the address bar of your web browser. Alternatively, you can obtain it via the drop-down menu of the resource you are listing. In a table view, select the action Link from the drop-down menu of the row you want to save. In the list of tables and collections, select the action Link from the drop-down menu of the table you want to save. Either option displays the Link/URL for your convenience.


The query parameters constituting a Link/URL must contain the key called view, which denotes the view that will be displayed, with the remaining parameters serving as specifiers of the target resource. If view is unspecifed, the initial view depends on your previous activities.

Acceptable values for view and accompanying parameters are as follows: